Caracas Centre for Health and Wellbeing - Szymon Wojtyla
Initial analysis building upon spatial configuration of Catia Sur, Caracas, Venezuela.
The programme sees variety of spaces being embedded within the framework, which all are seen as a method of improving the life of residents in the locality. This is to be done by providing them with the basic needs aiding health and wellbeing, such as access to doctors, medicines, but also by generating jobs and community facilities at the heart of Catia.
Catia Sur is located within north-western end of Caracas and forms a large part of the informal-settlement in the city.
It is located on the edge of the valley, which provides a difficult topography for any settlement to be construct-ed. Moreover, the area is prone to landslides due to the heavy rains and soil erosion which destabilise the ground. It is also considered one of the most violent districts in the city, through it also has a positive sense of communitycoming together. Buildings usually are constructed one on top of another - it is a form of stacking. Due to the difficult topography some dwellings needs to be accessed with staircases as long as 500 steps, which provide in-accessible to less-abled people and elderly.
Following diagrams investigate build fabric of Catia in terms of the network generated both on built fabric and movement levels and investigates the connections both existing and lost throughout the years.
The network that is established through the existing built fabric is used as the anchor point for the investigation in this framework. It has to be emphasised that the logic used for this comes from the analysis of packing systems and how buildings correspond within each other in the areas prone to landslides and seismic activity.
From this point, initial three-dimensional iteration processes has began, which will be used to define architectural qualities of the proposed building.